The purpose of this research is to determine and describe metacognition knowledge, metacognition awareness and student
learning outcomes in modern physics subject matter of particle properties from waves, odd semester of 2019/2020 school
year. Determination of the sample using the Simple Random Sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using
written tests in the form of a description to measure metacognition knowledge and awareness questionnaires using the
Metacognition Awareness Inventory (MAI). Learning that is carried out with stages of representation, analogy, giving
examples and reflection can improve student learning outcomes with an average n-gain of 0.63. The t-test results showed
that there was a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores (sig. = 0,000). Correlation test shows a
positive relationship with r = 0.40 between declarative metacognitive knowledge and learning outcomes. The correlation
between procedural metacognitive knowledge and learning outcomes is 0.44. While the relationship between conditional
metacognitive knowledge and learning outcomes is 0.37. The relationship between MAI with learning outcomes of 0, 34.
Lecturers can use learning with the stages of presentation, analogy, examples of solutions and reflection in an effort to
improve learning outcomes and pay attention to students' knowledge and awareness of metacognition.
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