Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris Siswa Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Prayatna Medan

  • FATMA DEWANI HARAHAP Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Prayatna


The objectives of this research were to find out:thedifferent effect between two stay two stray and expository
instructional strategy toward English learning achievement.The population of this research was all student of
Grade VIII, State Junior High School of Medan of ten classes. The sampling technique applied was cluster
random sampling taught with two stay two stray instructional strategy and the student taught with expository
instructional strategy. The instrumen used to measure the English learning achievement was a multiple
choice.The normality test used liliefors and the homogeneity test was Fisher test and Bartlett test. The data
analysis technique was Analysis of Variance with two-way at the level of significance followed by
Scheffe test.The research findings were: on average the students’ English learning achievement taught with
two stay two stray instructional strategy was X  28.14 which was higher tahn the average the students’
English learning achievement taught with expository strategy, which was X  27.07 , with Fcount = 35.08 >
Ftable 3.96.Based on the data analysis result, it can be concluded that the implication is that the
implementation of two stay two stray and expository instructional strategies should be in accordance with the
social interaction. It also suggested that teachers who plan the implement the instructional strategy should
know the characteristics of students’ social interaction.
