A criminal offense is an act related to trust and property. Criminal offence is governed in the second book of chapters XXIV
chapters 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, and 377 PENAL code. Evasion with all kinds of forms is a type of criminal act that is heavy
enough to be seen from the consequences it has caused directly to the Pemberantasannya efforts that are heavy enough to
be done. Pemberantasannya criminal acts must be prosecuted in the appropriate manner contained within the criminal
CODE, as well as to be involved with the potential of the government and the law enforcement authorities. Law enforcement
officers are elements that carry out their duties accordingly as subsystems of the criminal justice system. Law enforcement
officials have different roles according to their field. The criminal offense that is a crime that is very common and can occur in
all areas even the culprit in various layers of society, either the bottom layer until the top layer or can do this criminal offense.
The problem raised in the writing of this research is about whether the cause of criminal offence crimes, how to apply
criminal provisions against criminal offense based on verdict No. 47/Pid. B/2018/PN. MDN, how legal consideration by the
judge in dropping criminal sanctions against the perpetrator on verdict number 47/Pid. B/2018/PN.Mdn. In this research
study the method used is normative juridical research which is research where the author uses only secondary data, namely
a data obtained from the literature, books, papers, and legislation relating to criminal acts of darkening. That is the factor of
the cause of criminal offense on CV. Inti Surya distributions are: The mentality of an Unstrong employee, the fulfillment factor
of life and the consumptive lifestyle, the intention and opportunity as well as the nature of human beings, the system of
accountability and lack of the attitude of the leadership. The provisions of the law in the book to II of the KUHP Chapter XXIV
article 372 which is a criminal offense of evasion. Consideration of judges before dropping the ruling in the ruling No. 47/Pid.
B/2018/PN.Mdn. According to the author's saving is in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations as presented by
the previous authors, namely based on at least two legitimate evidence tools, in which case the author researched, the
evidence used by the judge is a description of the defendant and the accused.
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