Cases of unnatural deaths in Indonesia are often unsolved. To reveal those cases forensic autopsy is required, however this
procedure is often being rejected by the public. To determine the level of public knowledge about forensic autopsy in Sihapas
Barumun Subdistrict, Padang Lawas Regency. This study is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach.
The number of samples are 97 people, the calculation was done using Slovin formula, with simple random sampling
technique. The data were acquired using questionnaires, and processed using SPSS. The overall level of public knowledge
about forensic autopsy in Sihapas Barumun sub-district, Padang lawas district, are: good 4 people (4.1%), moderate 1
person (1.8%), and poor 92 people ( 93.7%). Number of respondents with good knowledge on each categories are: male
gender is 3 people (5.88%), age 18-29 years 2 people (6.9%), and based on Bachelor education are 3 people (33.3%).
The level of public knowledge about forensic autopsy in Sihapas Barumun District, Padang Lawas Regency is poor.
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