Keywords: Knowledge, Cervical Cancer Risk Factors, Cervical Cancer Prevention


Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that affects the surface layer of the cervix, called squamous epithelial cells, which are
located between the uterus and the vagina. It has been proven that the main cause of cervical cancer is Human
papillomavirus (HPV), oncogenic subtypes, especially subtypes 16, 18, 31, 33, and 45. Mortality and morbidity of women
with cervical cancer is very high, this situation will have a negative impact on world health in the world. including in
Indonesia. It is important for women to know what factors can cause cervical cancer and have knowledge about cervical
cancer prevention because of the large incidence of cervical cancer in Indonesia, and there are still many women who do not
have less knowledge. The study design was descriptive with a sample of 45 people. The sampling technique used total
sampling. The data will be analyzed by quantity test using SPSS software. This study shows that the largest age range is in
the age group 36-45 years (late adults) as many as 19 people (42.2%), more respondents with primary school education are
17 people (37.8%), the respondent's occupation group Most were housewives (IRT) as many as 34 people (75.6%), more
had knowledge of good cervical cancer risk factors as many as 31 people (68.9%), more had adequate / moderate
knowledge of cervical cancer prevention 25 people (55.6%). There are more respondents who have good knowledge about
cervical cancer risk factors, while more respondents have sufficient / moderate knowledge about cervical cancer prevention.


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