Diabetic neuropathy is the most commont complication in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Research shows that 60-70
% of patients with type 2 DM have diabetic neuropathy and most cases are over 55 years. It stated that longer duration of
type 2 DM, the higher risk of developing diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic patients are members of PROLANIS, so this research
is carried out on PROLANIS patients. To determine the correlation of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) duration with diabetic
neuropathy incidence in PROLANIS patients in Ngemplak, Sleman. Observational analytic with cross sectional design. The
study required subjects with type 2 DM in PROLANIS in Ngemplak, Sleman. The study was conducted by measuring fasting
blood glucose levels (BSF),2hour postprandial blood glucose levels,HbA1c levels, DNS and DNE. Thirthy four subjects with
basic characteristics of men are more than women 55,9% and 44,1%. Both age groups are almost the same between >65
years and 65 years respectively 52,9% and 47,1%. The results of the bivariate analysis between diabetic neuropathy and
the independent variables were significant in the duration with an OR value of 0,14 (CI 95% 0,02-0,99; p=0,020) and HbA1c
levels with an OR value of 0,25 (CI 95% 0,06-1,01; p=0,024). Multivariate analysis was significant on the type 2 DM duration
with an OR value of 0,08 (CI 95% 0,01-0,73; p=0,025). There is a correlation between type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) duration
with diabetic neuropathy incidence in PROLANIS patients in Ngemplak, Sleman.
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