This type of research is a retrospective descriptive study with a cross sectional study design on 86 children with recurrent
febrile seizures at RSUD Dr. Pirngadi, Medan which was selected using total sampling using medical record data (secondary
data), in December 2021. Then the data were analyzed using a descriptive method and arranged in a distribution table.
From the results of the study, it can be seen that children with recurrent febrile seizures mostly occurred in children with male
sex, namely 51 people (59.3%). Children with recurrent febrile seizures experienced the most of children aged 1 year at the
time of the first febrile seizure, as many as 46 people (53.5%). Children with recurrent febrile seizures experienced the most
of children with a temperature of 390C during the first febrile seizure, as many as 78 people (90.7%). Children with recurrent
febrile seizures were most experienced by children with a time interval between fever and seizure <24 hours in the first
febrile seizure, as many as 46 people (53.5%). Most children with recurrent febrile seizures experienced the type of simple
febrile seizure in the first febrile seizure, namely 51 people (59.3%). Children with recurrent febrile seizures were most
experienced by children without a history of febrile seizures in the family, amounting to 80 people (93%). Children with
recurrent febrile seizures without a family history of epilepsy were 86 people (100.0%). The risk factors for recurrent febrile
seizures were age 1 year, temperature 390C at the time of the first febrile seizure, male gender, time interval between fever
and seizure <24 hours, complex type of febrile seizure, children with a family history of febrile seizures.
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