Occupational safety and health is an instrument that aims to protect companies, jobs, and society from hazards resulting from work accidents. Radiation workers are classified as hazardous jobs and have a high risk of exposure to radiation, which can cause stochastic and deterministic effects. One way to prevent and minimize radiation received by radiation workers is with a radiation safety management system in radiology installations, which consists of a radiation protection organization, individual dose monitoring, radiation protection equipment, medical examinations, document storage, quality assurance, as well as education and training. , as an effort to reduce the impact of radiation risk and maintain occupational safety and health. This study describes the radiation safety management system at the Medan Pulmonary Hospital, with a qualitative approach descriptive research design. The samples taken were 7 components of the Radiation Safety Management System at the Radiology Installation of the Medan Pulmonary Hospital .The research results obtained are radiation protection organizations led by the head of the hospital, radiation protection officers totaling 1 person, and radiation workers totaling 12 people whose role is to reduce the risks that occur due to radiation exposure in radiology installations. Individual dose monitoring tools are owned by all staff working in radiology installations which are read quarterly. Radiation protection equipment only uses 4 aprons, while other radiation protection equipment has not been fulfilled. Periodic medical examination of each radiation worker once in 1 year. Documentation, namely records of dose results, and occupational health cards, are always kept for five years from the time the radiation workers stop working. X-ray quality assurance in the radiology installation at the Medan Lung Special Hospital is made in the quality assurance program for the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of the installation. Not all education and training in the radiology installation at the Medan Lung Special Hospital regarding radiation safety protection have been received by radiation workers. It can be concluded that the radiation safety management system is well implemented for patient, environmental and staff safety. It is recommended the fulfillment of other radiation protection equipment and education and training for all radiation workers.
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